What I really wanted to say, or discuss are things that I don't understand and am not going to talk about. Neat, hunh? I just put stuff down, and let you imagine what I could possible say.
Let's give this a whirl.
- The hatred I feel when Saturday Night TV schedules differ from every other night.
- I'm too tired to sleep.
- I'm only comfortable temperature wise in shorts and a sweatshirt.
- Why does thinking about bugs make you itch?
- Hallmark shouldn't bother making their own movies.
- I have yet to meet a person who commented on how fantastic a Hallmark movie was.
- Fuzzy socks don't keep my toes warm.
- Neither do shoes.
- Batteries are too expensive.
That is all.
Thank ye love, for the link, I'll be a checkin that out pronto. And as for the me being white thing, yes, I'm as pale as a sheet of printer paper, but I had about 5 black people tell me I had a little black in me. Heehee, that's who Shizz is. She started it. Heehee. They are so funny.