Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Settled

I officially signed up to take Beginning Italian at Hagerstown Community College. It's not for credit, but it's a good way to use my time since it seems like I'll be in Funkstown forever. I go tomorrow and I'm excited. Maybe I can take Italian at SU in lieu of Spanish. Maybe. It's a thought.

It's just depressing being here. My days are fairly routine, but they're crap. A normal day goes like this:

I get up at 9 or 9:30.
I watch Golden Girls until I'm bored with that or annoyed that I've seen the reruns that are playing at the time.
I eat lunch/facebook/get a migraine.
Get a shower.
Facebook/nurse the migraine.
Burn more time facebooking/watching television.
Eat dinner.
Sometimes I work through the readings from my sylabi
Facebook so more/continue to nurse the ceaseless migraine of doom.
Watch Adult Swim.
Go to bed around midnight or 1.

Doesn't that sound like a shitload of fun?!
Hmm. I didn't think so either.

I don't want to sit around all day, really, I don't. But what else can I do? I can't go any where by myself, and there really isn't any where to go. I live in a 4 square block town and the only thing to do is...actually I'm not sure what there is to do.

See my dilemma?

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