Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I'm kind of glad that, unlike my friends, I have no finals right now. I'm also sad that I'm not at school right now to share in the hatred of finals. But I will be going back soon and it's exciting.

I got to talk and catch up with Dr. Eck today. God, I love that woman. She always makes me smile; especially because she laughs at everything I say. It's a real confidence boost.

Renee and I talked about having a Girl's Day and that's completely exciting.

Also, I should probably go to bed considering that I have to get up in six hours so I can go to work. Corporate is stopping by tomorrow and there is a lot of stuff to fold.

I'm sure that's what I'll be doing all day tomorrow...folding. So to keep my sanity, I need as much sleep as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Finals are good and bad at the same time. Most of mine have taken no more than a half an hour. The one I'm in right now, the final consists of an essay, so that is taking a little more time, but the teacher is nice. He gave us donuts!
    I am jealous that you got to talk to dr. eck.
    Girls nights rock.
    I need to get a job.
    I love you!!
