Thursday, November 26, 2009


First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm pumped for food, and for spending some time with family and friends.

However, I am not pumped about having to get up at 3:45am on Friday so I have time to eat and get dressed so I can go into work from 5am to 5pm. Not liking that at all.

At the moment, I'm watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. I've definitely seen better ones, but I really shouldn't complain. I actually get to watch this year's. Last Thanksgiving, I was working all day.

The Rocketts were really good, though, as was the cast of Hair.

Currently, I'm trying to keep myself awake so I can hit the hay at like 7 or 8 tonight.

1 comment:

  1. This whole thanksgiving thing is lost on me,
    dont suppose you could breifly explain
